The numbers of the Spanish eCommerce continue with the wind in favor. The last two reports from the National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) were more than favorable and, now, according to the data provided for the third quarter of 2022, the National electronic commerce reached 18,933 million euros, 28% more than during the same period of 2021.
In that third quarter, the sectors with the highest profit remained practically the same, but with some variations in the top positions. The travel agencies and tour operators they stayed in first place with a accumulation of 10.5%but second place was now taken by hotels and accommodation (6.1%).
He air Transport, which was previously in second place, has now dropped to number 3 with 5.7%. They are followed by clothing (5.4%), the auxiliary services to financial intermediation (4%) and gambling and betting (3.9%).
The rest of the sectors were stable, with the difference that hotels and accommodation rose to second place, when for the second quarter of 2022 it remained in fifth place with 4.5%.
Games of chance and betting lead the number of transactions
During the third quarter of 2022, more than 333 million transactions, 17.1% more than the previous one. This time, gambling and betting lead the ranking for sales (7.6%). This category displaced restaurants to second place, which went from representing 7.1% to representing 6.4%.
In third place is land passenger transport with 6.3%followed by clothing (5.1%), activities related to transport (5.1%) and automotive fuels (4.9%).
46.8% of eCommerce revenues remained in Spain
Regarding geographic segmentation, during the first quarter revenues remained at 46.8%, the same percentage that was registered in the previous quarter. On the other hand, 53.2% corresponds to purchases originating in Spain made abroad.
32.8% of the income was obtained with businesses made within Spain and 14% of the income was obtained with transactions carried out outside the European country. If we look at the number of transactions, 38.2% of sales are destined for Spain and 61.8% abroad.
From Spain abroad
During the third quarter of the year, transactions made from Spain abroad have generated a turnover of 10,063 million euroswhich represents an increase in 23.6% compared to the same period of the previous year. To a large extent, these purchases (92.6%) have been made in stores located in the European Union.
The branches of activity that have generated the most business from Spain abroad are: clothing (8.0%)services auxiliary to financial intermediation (7.1%) and hotels (6.8%).
From abroad with Spain
They have registered an increase of 26.6% year-on-year in revenue from electronic commerce in Spain, reaching 6,213 million euros. Fuels lead billing in the country (9.2%), followed by public administration, taxes and social security (8.6%) and travel agencies and tour operators (8.0%).
63.4% of purchases made from abroad with Spain correspond to areas of activity related to the tourism sector, including travel agencies, air transport, land transport, car rental and hotels.
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