“If OPEC seemed dangerous to us, China exports 90% of the world’s solar panels.” Alicia García Herrero, chief economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, explains that the problem is not in dependence on China itself, “it should not be understood as a reaction to China: the problem is economic”, it is in dependence and “requires diversification”.
For Alicia García Herrero, it is clear that the world is already divided into two blocks, not only geopolitically but also militarily, and this is manifested in a recent event: “Saudi Arabia has announced the unimaginable: that it is going to enter the Organization for Cooperation of Shanghai with Iran”. It is, says Alicia García Herrero, an organization “that they do not dare call NATO”. For what she, she adds, “we cannot continue talking about multilateralism, as much as we like it. We must prepare for it and reduce our dependence on critical sectors”. And she explains that of our imports of solar panels, 89% come from China. A dependency that must necessarily be reduced, whether on China or on any other nation, such as the United States. The problem is not in the exporter itself but in such a great dependence on a single supplier.
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