He International Festival of Creativityalso known as Cannes Lions, one of the main advertising and creativity awards in Spain, has celebrated its issue number 70 in which he has been in charge of rewarding and showing the best of world advertising.
This year, the festival has been held from June 19 to 23, in an extensive day in which the best and most creative advertising campaigns have been awarded with a theme that revolved around the rapid rise of generative AI, modern marketing and data-driven creativity. All of them important current issues for the sector.
The broad international jury, in which Spain was represented by 11 members, has awarded our country a total of 37 awards, 1 Grand Prix, 5 gold, 10 silver and 21 bronze. And the online marketing agency David Madrid has brought home no more and no less than 11 lions, which makes it the most awarded Spanish agency.
Spanish campaigns awarded at Cannes Lions 2023
Grand Prix
Dove’s ad campaign, “Turn Your Back on Bold Glamour”, which has been in charge of the Spanish agency David Madrid in conjunction with the English agency Ogilvy London, wants girls and adolescents to turn their backs on TikTok filters, elements that only manage to diminish their confidence. This prize was awarded within the Media category.
golden lions
Second Best campaign
The agency David Madrid together with INGO Hamburg, has managed to capture a golden lion in the film category and a golden lion in Print&Publishing, thanks to its campaign for Ikea Children Furniture, which is made up of three pieces “Second Best High Chair”, “Second Best Cot” and «Second Best Stool». The idea of the campaign is to show how high chairs, cribs and benches are the second option for children.
Rosalía Motomami Live Experience on TikTok
Within the Entertainment for Music category, gold was awarded to the agencies TikTok São Paulo, Columbia Records New York and Motomami Barcelona, for her promotional campaign for the Rosalía Motomami special, an event held through the TikTok Live platform, where the singer performed the 14 songs from her album, Motomami.
@rosaliaMARCH 17: 4pm LA / 6pm MX / 7pm NY / 9pm ARG / MARCH 18: 1am SPAIN♬ original sound – La Rosalia
turn your back
the same campaign David Madrid and Ogilvy London for Dove who took a Grand Prix, he also took home a gold lion.
Priceless Food
The campaign originally created in 2022, by the agency Leo Burnett for Madrid Fusion, is once again crowned with gold in the Creative Effectiveness category (last year it won a gold lion in the direct category). The campaign, which consisted of inviting the famous actor Robert de Niro to try an exclusive menu prepared especially for him by 5 great Spanish chefs, managed to accumulate 4.5 million impressions, more than 180 million searches in 32 countries, generated more of 21 million euros with 0 investment in media and more than 1 million euros in savings in celebrity endorsements.
silver lions
Second Best campaign
This campaign of David Madrid and INGO Hamburg for Ikea it continued to sweep the awards, being awarded 3 silver lions (two in Outdoor and one in film).
Cry for the law (cry baby)
A campaign run by Lola Mullenlowe and Tit & Tit, which shows a giant sculpture of a crying baby placed at various strategic points in the city in order to allow mothers to breastfeed in public. This took the silver lion in the outdoor category.
I’m Georgina
For the premiere of the second season of I’m Georgina on Netflix, the Streaming platform together with the david madrid agencylaunched a disruptive outdoor campaign, which consisted of users sharing a photo of the canvas displayed on Gran Vía through their social networks. With the publication they had the opportunity to win one of Georgina’s exclusive bags.
This successful strategy won a silver lion in the Outdoor category.
Rosalía Motomami Live Experience on TikTok
The agency campaign TikTok São Paulo, Columbia Records New York and Motomami Barcelona to promote Rosalía’s performance on TikTok Live was awarded a silver lion in the Entertainment for Music category.
Unfear App
Unfear App is a technological system developed by Samsung Iberia and the agency Cheil Worldwide Spain. Its function is to minimize specific sounds, such as the barking of a dog, the noise of a crowd or the noise of a three, that bother people with autism spectrum disorder. This campaign took two silver lions, one in Brand Experience & Activation and another in Sustainable Development Goals.
Dogs without borders
This campaign won in the Brand Experience & Activation category. It was made for KDOG, an organization dedicated to rescuing dogs about to be euthanized in kennels and training them to detect malignant diseases in people, and has been directed by SFBO/VMLY&R Madrid, New York and Sao Paolo.
bronze lions
With a total of 21 awards, the bronze lions won by Spanish agencies are:
“Daniel’s Apartment” by Ms. Rushmore / ViiV Healthcare. Health & Wellness category.
“Invisibles” by Biogen / VMLY&R Health. Pharma category.
«Let’s Wash Away the Taboo» by LOLA Mullenlowe Madrid and London / Persil. Radio & Audio Category.
“Boss Face Sticker” by DAVID Madrid, New York and Miami / Halls. Radio & Audio Category.
“Samsung Unfear” by Cheil Worldwide / Samsung. Radio & Audio Category.
“Pepe El Mundo” by Ogilvy Madrid / Cruzcampo. Entertainment Category.
“Ready Player Mom” by MRM Madrid / Enterogermina. Entertainment for Gaming Category.
“Rosalía Motomami Live Experience on TikTok” by TikTok São Paulo, Columbia Records New York and Motomami Barcelona. Entertainment for Music Category.
“Mother” from Plataforma Heroes de Hoy / DDB Spain. Entertainment for Sport Category.
“Trajectory” by Red Cross / TBWA Spain / Primo Audiovisual Montevideo. Film Craft Category.
«Melting icon» by LOLA Mullenlowe Madrid / Magnum. Industry Craft category.
“#Turnyourback” by Dove / David Madrid – Ogilvy London. Social & Influencer Category.
“Tweet Scarves” from Twitter / David Madrid. Social & Influencer Category.
“Invaluable Food” by Madrid Fusion / Leo Burnett Madrid. Creative Effectiveness category.
«The 36» of DGT / Ogilvy Spain. Creative Strategy Category.
“Samsung Unfear” by Samsung / Cheil. Mobile category.
«Dogs without borders» by SFBO / VMLY&R Madrid, New York and Sao Paolo. Brand Experience & Activation category.
“She” by J&B / Rocky’s Russian. Film Category.
Photo: Cannes Lions
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