The Government has eliminated from the package of measures to deal with the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and the rise in prices the possibility of extending the validity of the rental contracts by six months with the same terms and conditions established in the contract that they had in force.
The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday a Royal Decree-Law to extend some of the anti-crisis measures that expire on June 30, among which this extension of 6-month rental contracts with the same conditions is not included.
The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, has defended that the Housing Law validated by the Cortes Generales already provides that vulnerable people can extend the duration of the contracts by one year, “just to have protection” .
Of course, the limitation of the annual update of the rent of the housing lease contracts that prevents increases of more than 2% is already extended until December 31, 2023.
In fact, the Housing Law already establishes this 2% limit for this year in the rent increase and raises it to 3% in 2024 so that, before December 31 of next year, create a new reference index applicable to the territory outside the CPI.
In addition, the suspension of the eviction procedure and the releases for vulnerable households when there is no housing alternative are maintained until the end of the year.