The keys of Sunday revolve around the new nuclear threat pronounced by the President of the Russian Duma, Viacheslav Volodin, who warns that the support of the United States and NATO to Ukraine is leading the world to a “terrible war”. In his words, he also speaks of “global catastrophe”.
While the FBI continues to investigate the classified documents extracted by Joe Biden and that could lead the President of the United States to an Impeachment situation when the seriousness of the documents he keeps in several of his homes is known.
The other key point revolves around the Buenos Aires Summit that is being held this week, being Lula da Silva’s first trip since he was proclaimed President of Brazil. On the agenda for the day, the key point is the creation of a single currency in Latin America that would mean 5% of world GDP. This week an attempt will be made to lay the foundations for the creation of the currency and the access criteria that all the countries involved will have to meet.
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