“With the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the defense budgets in Europe plummeted.” Fernando Moragon
Today at the Wall Street Closing we have talked about the different issues that arise from the conflict of the war in Ukraine and that show the relationship between Europe, the United States, Russia and China. The geopolitical expert specializing in Russia, Central Asia and China, Fernando Moragón, has made it clear that “”When the Soviet Union disappeared, the defense budgets in Europe collapsed, but even in the United States”.
He claims that even this leads to a series of agreements to share all the Soviet potential that divides the union into four states. In this sense, he has also affirmed that the West “is inventing new enemies like Binladen” to alleviate these deficits in Western defense budgets.
For today’s gathering we have:
Ezequiel Bistoletti, doctor in political science, professor of international relations in Germany
Fernando Moragón, geopolitical expert specializing in Russia, Central Asia and China
José Luis Orella, professor of history and thought at the CEU
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