Will equities fall in 2023? There are still options to lose everything gained in the year

Will equities fall in 2023? There are still options to lose everything gained in the year

We talked about investments with Javier Alonso Jiménez, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Welcome AM and Alfonso Guerra Azcona, General Director of Welcome AM. Both explain that looking at the publication of the last twenty-five years (in variable income), we see that the fall in margins is not priced. “We believe that we are very close to a correction,” they say. And they analyze the difference between the European and US markets: “Europe will probably do better than the US in equities in 2023” and explain the reasons for this.

Regarding fixed income, it also explains the reasons why eight years of fixed income could have been lost in a single year (2022). The key variables are these: liquidity and flows.

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