Keys of the day: Wall Street Capitulation or final takeoff? France, new social contract and Wagner
A new week begins with an eye on the 4th of July holiday in the United States and with the key question on the horizon. Can the bull market continue? Does the bullish current make sense beyond August? We analyze the pros and cons of the bull market. As well as the keys of those who think that this is about to end and that it will bring an unprecedented collapse to Wall Street.
France seems to be better controlling the riots in the last hours. But the crisis is putting on the table the option of a new social contract with many doubts and persistent problems. Among them, who can lead this new social contract. Von der Leyen or Orban? Scholz or Macron?
And on the other hand, tension is growing on the border with Belarus. Where the Wagner Group threatens neighboring countries and NATO, which is already looking for the best way to protect itself against possible Prigozhin incursions and against the threat posed by Belarus having Russian tactical nuclear weapons on its territory.
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