Ibercaja Gestión has registered a growth of 16.8% in the volume of assets under management so far this year, exceeding 20,900 million euros at the end of the first semester.
In a press release, the entity affirms that this figure represents a “new record”, which is explained by the “extraordinary dynamism” in the contributions, as well as by a “very positive” evolution of its returns.
So far this year, the evolution of the entire range of Ibercaja funds has allowed the participants to recover the path of positive returns, after the negative behavior that characterized the financial markets in 2022. Thus, in the last 12 months the bank’s funds as a whole accumulate an average return of 3.76%.
In this semester, the behavior of variable income funds stands out positively. In particular, four of these investment funds have exceeded 15% profitability: Ibercaja Tecnológico has obtained 28.48%, Ibercaja Global Brands 17.75%, Ibercaja Bolsa Internacional 16.34% and Ibercaja Japan 15, 39%
For their part, fixed-income funds also offer positive returns, among which it is worth noting the products Ibercaja Renta Fija 2027, with 3.74%, Ibercaja High Yield, with 3.37%, and Ibercaja Corporate Debt 2025, with 3.17%.
Regarding mixed and profiled funds, Ibercaja Gestión Audaz achieved 8.86% in the first six months of the year, Ibercaja Sostenible y Solidario 6.44% and Ibercaja Gestión Crecimiento 5.08%.
On the contribution side, Ibercaja Gestión has also obtained “record figures”, with 2,370 million euros, exceeding its best historical annual record in just one semester, which occurred in 2021.
This volume of contributions in the first semester means that Ibercaja Gestión has captured 16.9 out of every 100 euros that enter the sector in Spain.
Thus, Ibercaja is consolidated as the fifth Spanish financial group by volume managed in investment funds, reaching a market share of 6.32%, which represents an increase of 46 basis points in the first half of 2023 compared to the end of 2022. and 60 points more than at the end of June 2022.
In this period, the entity highlights the “excellent behavior” of its non-traditional areas of operation, since the volume of contributions from Madrid, the Mediterranean Arc, Andalusia and Extremadura already accounts for more than 40% of the total number of entries.
The financial markets have behaved positively in the first part of 2023, despite the episodes of high volatility that have been experienced in some sections of the year.
For the second semester, Ibercaja foresees that the uncertainties about the behavior of the financial markets will continue. “The forecasts do not anticipate great growth in the economies, being, on the contrary, their slowdown the most probable scenario. In addition, inflation and the consequent intervention by central banks will continue to mark the evolution of the environment”, they point out.
Given this uncertainty, together with the levels reached by interest rates, the bank recommends taking positions in fixed income, both public and private. Specifically, the tranches of up to two years would be “especially interesting” for savers and investors who want to obtain attractive returns with little volatility.