“The banking storm is not over, there will be new bankruptcies and it is far from over”
The banking situation, the elections in the United States and the energy crisis facing Europe are the issues that we have analyzed in the Wall Street Closing gathering.
Regarding the banking situation, he highlights how “the storm has not ended, it is far from over” and points out how “I am not optimistic, there will be new bank failures. There should be more serious punitive measures in banking ”
We have also analyzed Biden’s candidacy, they point out how the Democrats consider that Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate” and how “gerontocracy prevails in the US: Donald Trump would also arrive at an advanced age”
In the gathering we have had:
Eduardo Irastorza, professor OBS Business School
Enrique Martínez, professor of economics at CEU San Pablo University
#crisisbancaria #quiebra #tertulia #firstrepublicbank #svb #bancaeeuu #mercadoamericano #riesgobancario #crisisbanca #eeuu #negociostv #economia
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