Fernando Moragón: “Vladimir Putin does not usually brag, it is not his style” after refusing to see Biden
In the Rolling Stocks program we have Fernando Moragón, a geopolitical analyst specializing in Russia, Central Asia and China.
During the interview, Fernando tells us that “Vladimir Putin does not usually brag, it is not his style” and assures that the United States “will leave Ukrainians and Europeans behind”. In addition, Fernnado says that “those responsible for energy price increases are the Europeans with sanctions against Russia. The EU is leading to the most absolute disaster in Europe”.
According to Fernando, Russia will increase the capacity of its force, the capacity of its attacks with missiles, with drones… which can be summed up in an escalation of the conflict. And he adds that the US is the boss in this war, “Ukraine may disappear as a country.” “The longer the US takes to want to reach a solution, the worse for Europe and Ukraine.” Inflation will not be 5%, but double digits, with price increases day by day.
#Vladimir Putin
#energy crisis
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